Dyslexia Voice is fully vested in exposing dyslexia for what it is – a different way of processing and learning new information, and the super-power abilities that exist within. And given that 20% of the world population is dyslexic, it’s worthy of attention!

Dyslexia does not discriminate. We are all “touched” by the genius and uniqueness of dyslexic children and dyslexic adults in our daily lives. But what does this mean, and why and how do these “different thinking” individuals shape our world?

Dyslexics are global learners. They learn best when information is introduced to them through storytelling, current events or personal experience, colorful illustration, visual movement, music, humor and active hands-on participation. As such, dyslexics have the best ideas…on most everything! This is because dyslexics tend to think in pictures, prefer to identify the goal and work upwards to the result, and rarely accept “It isn’t possible” as the answer. “Why not?” is more likely.

It’s no coincidence that genius exists with dyslexics. The great architects and builders of the Pyramids of Egypt and coliseums of the Roman Empire are examples of genius – when most people in the world were non-readers and non-writers. To gain perspective on the impact people with dyslexia have on society, we simply need to look around us. Many well-known leaders, scientists, artists, poets, actors, inventors, architects, entrepreneurs and other like-minded people are dyslexic.

We know that dyslexics are highly creative, out-of-the-box thinkers with the ability to learn and see things differently. Yet during their school-age years, dyslexic children rarely receive the appropriate academic support or understanding they need to successfully navigate and succeed in school. This is important because if a dyslexic child does not receive these supports, the ramifications, effects and underlying genius, become cloaked by the inability to parse words on the printed page. This can lead a dyslexic child on a downward spiral of childhood misery, including hating school and dropping out, self-destructive alcohol and drug use, behavioral issues, and juvenile incarceration. 85% of all juvenile offenders have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and get arrested within 3 to 5 years of dropping out of school. It is a well-known fact that dyslexic children who do not receive appropriate academic support during their school-age years, are the highest population of imprisoned inmates. Shocking, isn’t it!

The good news is, we, as a community, have the power to stop the downward spiral and demise of our dyslexic children and reverse the direction to a successful outcome. By improving and changing the ways we support their academic needs, we systematically also reduce the incarceration rate of children in juvenile prison. It’s a win-win.

Dyslexia Voice is committed to moving forward with awareness, action and solutions that benefit dyslexic children. Our Mission and Goals page describes these three pillars in more detail. Our website is designed to be the go-to place on dyslexia and an informational hub for parents, educators, the public and donors to learn more and help our tender-aged dyslexic children.

Dyslexia Voice believes “The key to purpose is using our strengths to serve others”.

Thank you for being a part of our purpose and the solutions that will change the lives of millions of dyslexic children.

Dyslexia Voice