Kids struggle to read when schools leave phonics out

By |2018-09-28T22:16:38+00:00September 28th, 2018|Science of Reading, Teaching Practices|

Schools too often leave out a key piece of the reading puzzle because teachers aren't trained to teach phonics by EMILY HANFORD September 11, 2018 Teachers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, use a curriculum that mixes teacher-directed whole-class phonics lessons with small-group activities.  This story was produced by APM Reports and reprinted with permission. It was 2015 and Jack Silva, the chief academic officer for the public schools in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, had a problem: Only 56 percent of third-graders in his district had scored proficient on the state reading test. Reading scores had been low for a while, but for most [...]

There’s a science to teaching children to read

By |2018-09-28T18:26:30+00:00September 28th, 2018|Science of Reading, Teaching Practices|

Kerri Miller , Jeffrey Bissoy-Mattis · Sep 25, 2018 Roughly two-thirds of American fourth-graders cannot read at their expected grade level. Children struggling to read in the third grade are likely to be poor readers for their entire lives. There is a scientifically-backed method to teaching children how to read, but the latest research on reading suggests this practice is not being implemented in most American Schools. "[We need] to try to create a more seamless system for teacher preparation and to bring in the pre-service programs to recognize that their product is not just a graduate with a certificate. Their [...]

Dear Reading Specialist May I Ask You a Few Questions?

By |2018-07-31T16:41:01+00:00July 21st, 2018|Reading Specialist Qualifications|

Written by Tatyana Elleseff Because the children I assess, often require supplementary reading instruction services, many parents frequently ask me how they can best determine if a reading specialist has the right experience to help their child learn how to read. So today’s blog post describes what type of knowledge reading specialists ought to possess and what type of questions parents (and other professionals) can ask them in order to determine their approaches to treating literacy-related difficulties of struggling learners. The first question I ask the reading specialists doing the interviewing process is: “Can you please describe how [...]

To School Administrators School Board Attorneys and Educators

By |2018-07-31T16:37:50+00:00July 6th, 2018|Educational Neglect|

To School Administrators, School Board Attorneys and Educators Who Fight Against My Child Jennifer Ryan To the school administrators, school board attorneys and the educators who cannot see past my daughter’s disability: Saying no just because you can is not in my child’s best interest and ultimately serves no other purpose than to show the power you wield has consumed you and will only negatively affect your bottom line at the end of our battles. Trying to save money at the expense of my daughter and her future is not OK. That’s why legislators and Congress passed the [...]

Another Side of Paradise

By |2018-06-10T04:29:03+00:00June 10th, 2018|Personal Experience|

Another Side of Paradise On Being the Parent of a Dyslexic Child in Santa Barbara Thursday, June 7, 2018 by CHERIE RAE We go to the school. We meet. We ask. We plead. Eventually we beg: “Please, please, please, implement best practices to instruct my dyslexic child how to read, write and spell. Please teach them and don’t hurt them.” Too often we have to fight. We don’t want to. We never imagined we would have to. But educational services don’t come easy for dyslexic students in this part of the world. Parents who have the means dig [...]

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